Applications of Aluminum Casting Alloys

Has your industry ever used aluminum casting alloys? These materials are composed of a mixture of several metals. But what sets this apart from others is the characteristic and attribute that this metal mixture has more aluminum in its percentage than any metallic components. Among the other materials found here are manganese, copper and zinc. When it comes to aluminum casting alloys, these are different from the wrought types. It is used in many industries and in this article, you will know some of its renowned applications.

Purposes of these Materials

The next question that you may ask is the industry that makes use of these components. These are used in order to combat corrosion mainly among metals. Among the industries that use them are manufacturing, engineering, aircraft manufacturing, marine, transportation, car making and also the makers of bicycles. These items use up metals that are cast through aluminum. Among the finest properties of this blend is its low levels of flammability, which make it a desirable output in the car industry. Also, it has appearances and physical attributes that are attractive and forms a protective element with the surfaces that it deals with.

Industries such as the engineering field are known to benefit from this material because they are strong and durable without the weight of ordinary steel. They can also be customized into lighter designs than how steels can work on this aspect.

Industries Where it is Applied

The aerospace industry is among the fields that make use of aluminum alloys mainly because of its intensified strength. For instance, some of the parts and portions of fighter aircrafts are using these kinds of materials. They are also made with other strong metals and mixtures in order to provide for the needs of the particular transportation vehicle.

Not only is the alloy used in the aerospace industry but also in the marine field. Ship and boat manufacturers used cast metals in their crafts and because these are known to be strong but lightweight, they are the perfect choices when handling buoyancy over the waters. Furthermore, you should never forget that the huge industry of cars is also among the users of these materials. They use them as part of their engines because of their features. Trailers and trucks use them for their panels such as wheel casts and car frames.

If you are in search for these types of materials, companies that exist around can be coordinated with so you can avail of these services. Make sure that you understand your needs and be certain that you are able to coordinate and bring your necessities to the management so they will know what your industries require. You also need to acquaint yourself with the processes so you are not lost in motion as the project happens.


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